For Private Family Foundations
Yesterday’s earnings doing good things in tomorrow’s world.
Fulfilling your passion for funding research, and you want to take really good care of your legacy.
Trust Funds
Passing wealth down as the previous generation intended.
You’ve been very fortunate and want to be smart about how you deal with future generations.
And Family Businesses
Your family built it and you’re responsible for running it.
As multi- generation owner-operators, investing the profitability of the firm is part of the job.
Paying it forward with smart wealth management.
You (literally!) owe it to yourself and your next generation to take good care of the family’s wealth. But you’re also aware of how fickle, complex and dynamic the economy and market behavior can be. So you want to make sure you’re doing the right things, in terms of investment strategy.
We might not be family, but we are—fiduciarily speaking—the next closest thing.
Forté has special experience partnering with families to manage next-generation wealth. So we’re aware of the relational dynamics which are a natural part of the total wealth management process.